Université Française d’Egypte

L’Université Française en Egypte a été créée sous sa forme actuelle par un décret présidentiel 26 du 11 février 2002, L’Université Française d’Egypte est un établissement privé à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel ; elle est régie par La loi 101 du 22 juillet 1992 relative à la création des universités privées et La convention […]

Sinai University

The significance of establishing a university, including research centers, especially in the North of Sinai, is not only due to the lack of such universities in this area but also to the special importance of having a world-class education to support the economic development of the region and to tie the Egyptian economy to the […]

October 6 University

October 6 University is the first private university in the Arab Republic of Egypt. O6U is instituted by the Republican Decree number 243 1996. The university is a member of the Association of Arab Universities and the Association of African Universities. The University includes fourteen Faculties, University Hospital, and two hotels for male and female […]

Nile University

Nile University is the first in a new class of academic institutions in Egypt that embraces partnership with the private sector, represented by an NGO (EFTED), government, business, and industry, in a major initiative of great national and regional interest. The Egyptian Foundation for Technology Education (EFTED) is a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to improving technology-related […]

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